The story behind
Wino Tours

Go from idea to action

Hi I’m Ivan, the founder of Wino Tours and since 2018 I’m giving life to this project. Back then I was working as a tour guide in Barcelona and I liked to share my knowledge about Penedés and Priorat with the clients at the end of the tours.

This is how the idea grew, seeing that people were interested in discovering other regions outside of Barcelona, and experiencing local gastronomy in a more immersive way.

This is how at the end of 2019 summer I set out and began to design the wine tours that I intended to carry out in 2020. This was a very enjoyable moment in my life. I often went out to discover new wineries and restaurants in the Penedés and Priorat.

probando las actividades
Here I am with my father enjoying the moment

My enthusiasm for this project was so great that I decided to take a few months off to work full-time on my project. But these months turned into something more than a year. Although it was not my fault. I think you already know who was at fault, right?

2020 and the start of the pandemic

Not that we can say that 2019 was going very well. But none of this was comparable to what came our way in 2020. A disastrous year for the economy and especially for tourism. The sector from which I was making a living, like a large part of the Spanish population. And overnight I found myself without a project and without the possibility of generating income.

I will not say here what I did to be able to support myself, but I will say that an important part of my time was invested in creating a website dedicated to selling wine-tasting experiences.. To use whenever the restrictions ease a little … 

Something that has been very challenging for me, as it was for the entire service sector in Spain. But at least it has given me the opportunity to learn about digital marketing and web design. And I learned a lot, “learning by doing”: Instagram contests and lives, blogging, web design. This page is a small sample of this work.

Jordi and I, from Devinssi vineyards, in my first live show

Tourism finally arrives

For many of us, 2022 has meant a return to normality, and travel is now possible! At last, I could become a tour guide again and so I started to offer the first private tours to the Penedés and Priorat. Together with the historical tours, I was offering already, have made my life much better. Giving me professional stability and the opportunity to grow a project that I have developed from scratch.

With a lot of effort and perseverance, I am getting to where I had set my goals in the beginning. That is something that makes me very glad. I am very aware that without the curious travelers who contact me through this site, this project would be impossible. So I want to thank each of you for trusting me, and for deciding to spend a day of your vacations with Wino Tours. Something that fills me with great joy and pride.

Thanks to all of you who have trusted Wino Tours. You are the best!

Without you this would be impossible!


Rated with 5 stars on Google, Trip Advisor and Woocommerce

Values that we share

organic wineries
Solar panels in the Perinet winery

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